Registration of articles for a journal
in Tokai University Institutional Repository
A. Registration procedures for publication
◎Jounal Editing Committee #1 or #2 on the list should be done in advance so that copyright (property rights) can be properly exercised. #1 Specify about copyright for authors in the instructions. #2 Indivisual licensing <Copyright related to Institutional Repository registration> Reproduction rights Digitization of booklets, Saving electronic data to server hard disk |
◎Journal Editing Committee / Materials Review, Editonal Work
●Tokai University Press Production of Layout, PDF file and others PDF/A format (ISO 19005) recommended Do not set a password, access restrictions or usage restrictions. *For important points when creating PDF, click here →PDF.pdf |
◎Journal Editing Committee Submission of required documents and files to the Library 1.Full-text PDF file (CD-ROM containing it), 2.Tokai University Repository registration application, 3.Excel form for bulk registration |
・Submit a document specifying the article to be excluded from publication
・Publish the article's bibliographic information such as the titile and authors
*When submitting an Excel form for bulk registration, bibliographic
informartion of articles to be excluded should be also included.
*A PDF file is not necessary for articles to be excluded from publication.
★As for the journals through the Tokai University Press since Academic Year
2017, there is a possibility that the printing company may have created a bulk
registration Excel form at the time of printing. Please confirm with the Tokai
University Press for the present or absence of the Excel form for bulk registration.
*As for articles published before Academic Year 2017, the Excel form for bulk
registration is prepared by the Journal Editing Committee.
■Institutional Repository Steering Committee Chairperson
Acceptance of registration application
Registration process in the Institutional Repository at the Tokai University Library.
Tokai University Institutional Repository Registration
Data collection and publication by National Institute of Informatics (NII)
Publication for Japanese Institutional Repository Online (JAIRO) and
CiNii Articles.
B. About copyright
Copyright processing with Institutional Repository registration in mind.pdf
(Japanese only)
C. Application form
Please fill in the necessary information and send the original copy to
the Central Library. (This application should be submitted only for
first-time registrarion)
Please download the form bellow. (Japanese only)
*Application form example.pdf
Application form.pdf(PDF)
Application form for printing.pdf(PDF)
<Contact information>
Tokai University Central Library
TEL: 0463-63-4140
☆☆☆Frequency Asked Question☆☆☆
Q1. Can I choose not to make one of the articles open to public?
A1. Yes, you can. However, the article's bibliographic information would be
still registered and open in the Repository.
Q2. I have published my articles on my department's website but do I still
have to register them in the Repository?
A2. By registering them in the Repository, your articles can be searched
for on JAIRO and CiNii Articles. Publication of your research outcome
to the public will increase its exposure and boost visibility of your articles.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Q3. How can I obtain the Excel form for bulk registration?
A3. It is not posted on the website. Please contact the Library Information Office
through the Journal Editing Committee.
Q4. Do I need to submit my journal articles already published on the CiNii
Articles to the library as well?
A4. NII's support project to digitize research journal articles ended in Academic
Year 2008. It is unneccessary to submit data for journal articles published
through CiNii Articles as of 2008 because they were provided to the Library
by NII.
The articles published on CiNii Articles are registered in the Institutional
Repository and are released as they come in. Since your article PDF is not
available in the Library if it was published after Academic Year 2009, please
submit it to us if you wish to register.