Central library
The Central Library is closed as of the Fiscal Year 2020 due to the scheduled earthquake-resistant
construction of Building No. 4.
<period of closure>
From Sunday, March 29, 2020 until the opening of the new Central Library.
(openingdate to be determined.)
■ Restrictions on the use of materials due to the closure of the Central Library
Due to the closure of the Central Library and a change in the layout of Library Building No.13
as of FY2020, the location of the materials has been significantly changed.
1. Books and journals in the Central Library
a. Materials moved to Library Building No.13
Books on Education, Biological Science, Medicine, Tourism, Physical Education, etc.
Books in series (classification number=080) that have been used many times
Books on loan in recent years
English, Spanish and German supplement reading
Jounior high and high school textbooks
Books and picture books in the Global corner
Some of the university's materials
Ongoing new journals
b. Materials moved to the storage room (outside storage)
Books that do not fall in the categories above
Back issues of magazines and journals
*Details on how to use materials in the storage room facilities see this.
2. Audio-visual materials in Library Building No.13
Music score and records---Library Building No.13
Other audio-visual materials---Moved to Library Building No.12 (unknown period of use)
■ Search OPAC results
Library: Central library, library building No.11
Location: [External Storage] open stacks, stack etc.
It is not available at this time because the materials have been moved around to a storage
room (outside storage). If you wish to use such materials, you will need to apply for an order.
Please read this information.
*The materials marked as [External storegeroom](外部書庫)in the Central Library.
You will need to apply for this materials.